Monday, April 7, 2014


Caution: Spoiler Alert
Please read the Intro if you have not.
Who/What: Nabbit is a character that can be friend or foe. Nabbit looks like a purple bunny, rabbit like creature with a mask that covers part of his head. The mask that Nabbit wears, looks like the mask that Bowser Jr. has. Nabbit also has a sack that it has with a mushroom sign on it. 
Where: Nabbit from New Super Mario Bros Wii U, and New Super Luigi Wii U.
Other: In New Super Mario Bros Wii U and New Super Luigi Wii U, Nabbit is a foe. Nabbit is a thief like character that takes item(s) in Mushroom Houses. After Nabbit steals what it is going to steal, it will go to level. You can try to catch Nabbit in the level it when to. The time will probably be shorter than usual when you are trying to catch Nabbit.  If you don't have success after the third try, then you can't catch that Nabbit again. If you do catch it, then you earn a P-Acorn or and the thing(s) it stole. In New Super Luigi Wii U, Nabbit is also a friend. Nabbit is a character in the game that you can be. Nabbit can't be killed by at least by regular enemies, and it doesn't use power up(s) like the others creatures do. Each power up Nabbit collects equals to one extra life it receives.   
This is a picture of Nabbit.
This is a picture of Nabbit that has been captured by Luigi in a Flying Squirrel Suit.

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